Cultivation system: Guyot
Alcohol: 12.5 percent
Harvest date: Months of August and September
Character: Intense straw yellow, very fine perlage and soft on the palate
Food pairings: aperitif, fish dishes especially shellfish and molluscs
Packaging: 1.5 l / 1 per carton
Aging: Aging on selected yeasts
Vinification: Grapes are harvested by hand, placed in special boxes and then pressed. The resulting juice will be placed in steel tanks at a temperature of about 4° C where it will decant in contact with solid particles so that the wine can take advantage of all the primary aromas.
At the end of this process, the wine will be racked into other steel tanks and brought to a temperature of 16° C, at which time selected yeasts will be added to activate alcoholic fermentation, leaving it then to rest for a period of aging. The resulting wine will be bottled and stored for natural fermentation on yeasts to have a superior quality product. At the end of this long and slow process, disgorging will be carried out.